NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Two eighth grade students are now recovering from a terrifying attack in Queens. The girls were jumped by a mob of high school students in Astoria and the fight was all caught on video. Cellphone cameras were rolling as a wild mob scene broke out in Astoria Park on Friday. Stuck in the middle was 14-year-old Samatha Gonzalez, seen on the video in a black and white striped shirt. The honor student said she was badly beaten while trying to defend her friend Christina Campos, who was getting punched and kicked by more than a dozen high school students.
On Saturday, 4/27/13 at or about 5:05AM, the victim was walking in the 1900 block of Burgundy when he was approached by an unknown black male. The subject pointed a shotgun at the victim's face and stated give me your money. The victim disarmed the gunman and then chased him. Moments later the victim was approached by two black males in a black four door sedan (possibly a Honda Accord). The driver of the vehicle said to the victim "give me my gun back and I'll give you your phone that you dropped". The victim then used the shotgun to strike the rear windshield of the vehicle causing it to break. The two subjects then fled on Frenchmen to St. Claude and then unknown. The gunman was described as a black male, approximately 16-20 years of age, 6'00" tall with a thin build wearing a black hat and a black t-shirt. Surveillance video captured the robbery on video/audio and can be viewed on at . A similar incident occurred on Friday, April 26, 2013, at or about 12:30am in the 800 block of Touro Street, right around the corner from the aforementioned robbery. In that incident the victim was walking in the 800 block of Touro when he was approached by two unknown young black males. One of the subjects pointed a shotgun at the victim and demanded his property. The subjects then struck the victim three times. The victim fled the scene without relinquishing his property. The victim sustained minor injuries. The victim described the gunman as a young black males and being approximately 5'8" -5'10" tall with a dark complexion and medium build wearing dark clothing. The victim described the second subject as being a young black male, approximately 5'6" tall with a medium build, bushy hair and wearing a light shirt. Both subjects were said to be in their early twenties. Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Det. Michael Flores at (504)658-6707/ and/or CrimeStoppers at (504)822-1111.