
The discovery that our intelligence and emotional capabilities are coded for by thousands of genes makes them 'fragile', according to Dr Gerald Crabtree of Stanford University.A new study suggests that humans may be (slowly) losing our intellectual and emotional abilities because they're at risk from mutation or loss from the genome.Human intelligence and behaviour requires the optimal functioning of an estimated 2000-5000 genes. Crabtree’s theory is based on the idea that these genes are particularly vulnerable to mutations, and that our modern environment does not remove these mutations by natural selection. This means that our intelligence and emotional capabilities are expected to decrease over time as more mutations enter the genome."It is very likely that within 3000 years (~120 generations) we have all sustained two or more mutations harmful to our intellectual or emotional stability," writes Crabtree in a study published in Trends in Genetics.
A do te habiteshit nese do te degjonit qe rraca njerezore me kalimin e kohes po behet gjithmone e me pak inteligjente? Pavaresisht avancimeve tona ne 10 apo qindvjecaret e fundit, disa eksperte besojne qe njerezit jane duke humbur aftesite njohese dhe jane duke u bere gjithmone dhe me te paqendrueshem nga ana emocionale.Nje kerkues dhegjenetist nga Universitet i Stanfordit, Dr. Gerald Crabtree, beson se renia jone intelektuale si rrace ka te beje shume me mutacionet e disfavorshme gjenetike. Megjithate, inteligjenca njerezore po bie edhe per shkak te arsyeve te tjera.Sipas Crabtree, aftesite tona njohese dhe emocionale, jane te furnizuara dhe te percaktuara nga kombinimi dhe perpjekja e mijera gjeneve. Njese nje mutacion do te ndodhte ne nje prej ketyre gjeneve, qe eshte dicka e mundur, atehere, inteligjenca apo stabiliteti emocional do te prekeshin negativisht. Gjenetisti shpjegon qe njerezit me mutacione gjenetike ka shume mundesi qe te jetojne nder te "fortet". Teoria e Darvinit e 'mbijeteses se me te fortit' eshte me pak e aplikueshme ne shoqerine e diteve te sotme, e prandaj ato me gjene me te mira, ndoshta nuk dominojne ne shoqeri ashtu si do te kishte ndodhur ne te kaluaren.