Iram Leon - The Gusher Marathon winner in Beaumont Texas, 2013
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on Friday, March 15, 2013
A man racing against time crossed the finish line. His daughter, snugly sitting in a stroller he had been pushing for just over 26 miles, gained a memory that may live longer than her father.
"This is supposed to eat away at my memory in the end," Iram Leon said of the cancer in his left temporal lobe. "But I hope this memory is one of the last things to go and one she never loses."
Leon is 32 years old. He said his doctors have told him, "we're probably not going to beat this. We're just hoping to get you to 40."
As Leon and his 6-year-old daughter Kiana finished first in the 2013 Gusher Marathon, he was sure to clarify to everybody that his daughter came in first and he came in second. Beaumont Enterprise, March 9, 2013
Amerikani Iram Leon, i cili vuan nga tumori në tru kishte vendosur t'i dhuronte vajzës së tij 6-vjeçare një kujtim të veçantë, atë të vendit të parë në maratonën e Gusher, në Beaumont, Texas.
Ajo që shtyri Iramin të bëntë këtë gjë, ishte fakti që mjekët atij i kanë dhënë edhe disa vite jetë.
Dhe këtë dëshirë ai arriti ta bëjë së bashku me karrocën e vajzës së tij.